Our Ladies Sodality offers a luncheon for the family of the deceased for no more than 115 people in the Gathering Space following Mass for parishioners. There is no fee for our parishioners, however, the Ladies Sodality will accept donations. This luncheon is based on availability of the space and the Ladies Sodality members, so it is not guaranteed. Please call the Parish Funeral Line to check on availability.
Please note: If the funeral service/Mass is not held at St. John the Baptist Church, no luncheon is offered. Also, if the family of the deceased have no connection to St. John’s, no luncheon is offered (i.e., one who has never been a parish member, lived in the parish boundaries, and has no family members living in the parish boundaries or registered in St. John’s parish. Registered parishioners in nursing home residents outside the parish boundaries are considered members of the parish).
Funeral Links
Funeral Main Site
Mass of Christian Burial Planning
Order of the Mass of Christian Burial
Funeral Visitation