
Christ Renews His Parish

What is Christ Renews His Parish?

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP, pronounced "Chirp") is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in their faith community. It is an excellent opportunity for Catholics to renew their understanding of the basic beliefs and traditions of their faith.

CRHP is a process designed to bring members of a parish together in Christ. Just as all of our other commitments need renewal, so does our commitment to Christ if we're to be faithful followers. CRHP is an effective spiritual renewal that calls together members of the parish to experience personal conversion and Christian community within the environment of St. John's.

The uniqueness of CRHP is in its continuation. Participants are usually so inspired, so renewed, so uplifted, that they're anxious to share their faith experience with others from their parish. Retreatants have the opportunity to begin planning the next renewal weekend soon after they complete their own, if they desire. They become the "new team." During this formation time, even greater spiritual growth occurs. The transition between attending a weekend and leading a weekend takes place over a 12 month formation period. 

What CRHP is NOT:

  • It's not a silent retreat.
  • It's not a public confession.
  • It's not a parish ministry.
  • It's not an emotional cult.
  • It's not a pre-selected group or clique.

What Happens During the Weekend?

Come prepared to have fun and renew your heart.

During the weekend you will listen to a number of individuals who have volunteered to give a personal witness to the power of Jesus Christ in their lives. Group discussions, usually made up of 4-5 people, and responses, follow each presentation. Most in-depth discussions take place amongst your own table. You'll be free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

There will be readings of scripture, time for prayer, and time set aside for personal reflection. You and your needs will always be respected. The sharing dialogue is stimulated in a very liturgical, scriptural, and prayerful atmosphere.

Sacraments are an integral part of the weekend. There will be an opportunity to go to confession and the weekend will conclude with a private Mass. All experiences shared on the weekend are confidential, unless otherwise expressed by the participants. 

Who Can Participate?

All are welcome!

The program is designed to help strengthen the St.John the Baptist community, therefore, every member of the parish is invited and encouraged to attend a weekend.

Christ Renews His Parish is for anyone seeking spiritual renewal. You do not have to be a spiritual person to attend the retreat. In fact many people attend because they are not as spiritual as they would like. Many attend because they feel something is missing from their lives.

CRHP is an excellent opportunity for those who have stopped attending Mass, or who have lost interest in the church, to reconnect with the Parish Family. All participants will be welcomed and receive unconditional acceptance. 

What Time Does CRHP Begin?

The weekend begins Saturday morning (7am) and ends Sunday afternoon (approximately 4pm). 

Where Do I Sleep and What Should I Bring?

Sleeping accommodations (i.e. air mattresses), are provided. We recommend you bring pillows, sheets and blankets, so you are most comfortable. Any personal items (i.e. razors, toothpaste, etc.) you should bring with you, although we will have extras in case you forget. If need be you may sleep at home & return the next day.

What About Meals?

You will be pampered with great meals while on the weekend.

There will be many breaks throughout the weekend with snacks and drinks provided.

If you have special diet requirements please let us know when you register and every attempt will be made to accommodate your needs. 

How Much Does it Cost?

There is no charge for attending the weekend!
It is our Gift to You! 

The weekend is put on by previous members of the CRHP program and in hopes of bettering our community through a renewal in our faith.

If you feel inclined, donations will be accepted at the end of the weekend to help continue the program

So, What About You?

If you've read this far you must be at least a little bit interested.

As previous weekend attendees and team members, we can assure you that it's powerful stuff. It's a lot of fun and a great opportunity to form meaningful and lasting friendships. 

Say a prayer. Ask God what you should do. We believe He wants you here. So, what about you? 

God Bless,

St. John the Baptist CRHP Teams