St. John Youth Ministries serves ALL youth in our area Kindergarten through 12th grade. We offer a wide variety of events, activities, projects and happenings. We support our parish through Stewardship, sharing of time, talent and treasure. We volunteer for parish events and school events as well as our annual summer festival. We also serve as Religious Education catechists and aides, Lectors and ExtraOrdinary Ministers of Holy Communion. We invite and encourage all youth in this age group to participate and bring their friends in order to spread the Gospel message.
Grades K-6
Youth in grades K-6 are supported through events like Vacation Bible School, Fun in the Sun, Water Olympics, Totus Tuus and Parent Date nights. They do not meet on a regular schedule throughout the year.
Jr. High Youth Ministry (Grades 7-8)
Will meet quarterly throughout the school year from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Dates will be sent out in bulletin and by flocknote. This program will include dinner, fellowship and faith. We will join youth throughout the diocese for Youth events.
High School Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12)
We meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm throughout the whole year. We will also join other youth in activities throughout the diocese.
Some of our past events are: Steubenville Youth Conferences, Frisbee Golf, Bountiful Hearts Meal, Adoration Time, Book study on Living Joy, Pizza and Game Nights, festival and door-to-door canned food collection.
Our mission at S.J.Y.M. is to SERVE ALL YOUTH! We use a Total Youth Ministry model. We are open to and welcome all suggestions and ideas and encourage you to call us at 513-367-9086, Ext. 221.
St. John the Baptist Youth Ministry Group is going to Steubenville Summer Youth Conference July 18-20 2025. Contact the youth office for more information. Keep our students in your prayers as they prepare for this great youth experience. Contact Jonathan Schaefer at with any questions.